Monday, July 11, 2011

Olive Oil reduces Stroke Risk by 41 Percent

The American Academy of Neurology in their publication, Neurology, provides evidence that the regular consumption of olive oil can help lower the risk of stroke. Scientists say that olive oil taken as part of a healthy diet can lower the risk of stroke by 41 percent.
Researchers examined the medical records of 7,625 aging adults 65 or older from three cities in France. Participants were in generally good health and had no prior history of stroke. Olive oil consumption was determined by use of dietary questionnaire and usage was broken down into three groups (none, moderate and intense) based on regular consumption habits. It is signifiacant to note that virtually all olive oil consumed was extra virgin and cold pressed. This type of minimally processed oil has also been found to lower the risk of heart disease in prior studies.
Participants were followed for a period of five years, and 148 stokes occurred during that time span. After considering dietary,lifestyle and medical history, researchers found that those with the highest intake of extra virgin olive oil were 41 percent less likely to suffer a stroke compared with those with the lowest consumption of the monounsaturated oil. In a secondary arm of this study where plasma fatty acid measurements were available, individuals with the highest oleic acid (olive oil fraction) were found to experience a 73 percent lower risk of stroke.
RESEARCHERS NOTED THAT OLIVE OIL CONSUMPTION IS ASSOCIATED WITH LOWER RISK OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE, DIABETES, HIGH BLOOD PRESSUE, LIPID ABNORMALITIES AND OBESITY. Extra virgin olive oil is know to be a rich source of natural polyphenols from the olive fruit; it alters the oxidized, sticky nature of LDL cholesterol that is implicated with plaque build up in the arteries.
Nutritionists recommend that most people should add 1 to 2 tablespoons of extra virgin oilive oil a day to reap the powerful health benefits of olive oil.

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