Saturday, May 28, 2011

Honey and Bee Pollen for Hay Fever and Asthma

Locally produced honey and bee pollen can have quite an effect in reducing hay fever. I lived for thirty five years in Sacramento, California. Each year my hay fever got worse, until I would sneeze for half an hour each morning when I got up. If I drove around town I would often start sneezing all over again. A friend of mine gave me a pint of locally produced honey and a pound of bee pollen. She said that this would cure my hay fever. I thought to myself this has got to be an old wives' tale for sure. But, since it was given to me I thought I should at least try it.

I ate a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of been pollen each day for a week and my hay fever was completely gone! I sneezed about three times the rest of the summer. What a blessing that has been. Bee pollen has a slightly sweet taste. You put a teaspoon of it in your mouth and wash it down with some milk or soft drink.

Some people have a reaction to bee pollen, so you should take only a small amount at first. If you have no problems, then increase the amount. If it gives you problems then don't continue to take it.

Locally produced honey and pollen picked up by the bees from local plants, can act much in the same way as a natural type of vaccine. By introducing a small amount of allergen into your system, you immune system is activated and over time can build up you natural immunity against it.

You should try and use locally produced honey and bee pollen because your allergies are activated through exposure to pollens present in your local area. Different states, for example, can have wildly varying types of plants, grasses and other foliage, each of which can cause allergic reactions in different people.

It is wise to start taking locally produced honey and bee pollen several months before the spring season starts as this gives you body time to build up immunity. However, you can start any time you want and still reap the benefits for the rest of the season.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I would prefer to buy my pollen products locally.. that is if there is one available. But if none, I will go online and check the company producing it and preferred a country that has good environment like New Zealand. There are many benefits of bee pollen we can get too. It's been part of my daily diet close to a year now.
