Sunday, January 2, 2011

Quotes on Vitamin D3 Benefits by Major Health Experts

The following quotes are from the website,

Because vitamin D is so cheap and so clearly reduces all cause mortality, I can say this with great certainty: Vitamin D represents the single most cost effective medical intervention in the United States~ Dr Gred Plotnikoff, Medical Director, Penny George Institute for Health and Healing, Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis.

I believe vitamin D is the number one public health advance in medicine in the last twenty years.~Dr John Whitcomb, Aurora Sinai Medical Center.

I do think vitamin D is one of the most promising nutrients for prevention of cardiac disease and cancer, and I believe in it strongly.~Dr JoAnn Manson, Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Chief Division of Preventive Medicine, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital.

This is like the Holy Grail of cancer medicine: vitamin D produced a drop in cancer rates greater than that for quiting smoking, or indeed any other countermeasure in existence.~Dennis Mangan, clinical laboratory scientist.

No other method to prevent cancer has been identified that has such a powerful impact.~ Dr Cedric Garland, Vitamin D expert.

I would challenge anyone to find an area or nutrient or any factor that has such consistent anti-cancer benefits as vitamin D. The data are really quite remarkable.~Dr Edward Biovannucci, Vitamin D expert.

We estimate that vitamin D deficiency is the most common medical condition in the world.~ Dr Michael F Holick, Vitamin D expert.

In all my many years of practice of medicine, I've never seen one vitamin, even vitamin C, have such profound effects on human health.~ Dr Soram Khalsa, Board-certified internist and medical director for the East-West Medical Research institute.

Natural sunlight's benefits are not limited to vitamin D production. As light enters the eyes,photoreceptors convert the light into nerve impulses that travel along the optic nerve to the brain. These impulses trigger the hypothalamus gland to send neurotransmitters to regulate digestion, moods, immune and hormonal modulation, and circadian rhythm.~ John Maher, DC, DCCN, FAAIM.

The problem is that vitamin D is not really a vitamin, it's a hormone. If your thyroid hormone level was low, you'd gain 20, 30, or more pounds in weight, you blood pressure would skyrocket, you'd lose your hair, become constipated, develop blood clots, be terribly fatigued. In other words, you'd suffer profound changes. Likewise, if thyroid hormone levels are corrected my giving you thyroid hormone, you'd experience profound correction of these phenomena. That's what I'm seeing with vitamin D: restoration of this hormone to normal blood levels (25-OH-vitamin D3 50 ng/mL) yields profound changes in the body.~ Dr William Davis, cardiologist.

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